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Diane S. Baker, Esquire
27 South Arlene Street
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Phone: (717) 671-9600
Fax: (717) 671-9601


Harrisburg Will Attorney

Preserving your family’s wealth for future generations

Whether you’re planning distribution of your assets upon your passing, seeking a power of attorney or want to establish parameters for your future medical care Diane S. Baker, Esquire, can help with all aspects estate planning, including:

• Wills
• Trust and guardianship provisions for minor children
• Choosing the appropriate executor
• Powers of attorney
• Living wills and medical directives
• Estate settlement

Your Last Will and Testament

You work hard for your family, so knowing that you have planned for their long-term wellbeing and financial security can bring you comfort. Your last will and testament provides the opportunity for you to distribute your property, establish care for your minor children and otherwise express your wishes upon your death. If you die without a will, the court determines which of your family members receive your property, who cares for your children and even what happens to your pet. These might not be decisions that reflect your
desires. And as your life changes, so might your estate plan so you may need to update your will throughout your life to address changes in your financial situation, marital status, number of children, and general lifestyle decisions. Attorney Diane S. Baker can draft valid wills that ensure your intentions are honored.

Appointment of Guardianship

If you have minor children, your will allows you to make decisions about their future care. This is especially crucial if you are a single parent or if both parents die in a common incident. If you do not name a guardian, the court will appoint a guardian for your children and can make decisions adverse to your ultimate parenting goals. You can also make arrangements for your pets’ care in your will, including making financial provisions for the individual who will care for your pets upon your passing.

Living Wills

Advance health care directives or living wills are instructions given by an individual specifying what health care, including end of life health care decisions, he or she prefers in the event he or she is no longer able to make decisions. You can also appoint an individual
to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. Attorney Diane S. Baker can prepare a living will which will allow you to direct to your family your medical care preferences, with the goal of allowing you to put your preferences in writing and avoiding your family being burdened with needing to make these difficult decisions on your behalf.

Powers of Attorney

A power of attorney is a document that allows one person, known as the principal, to delegate to an agent the right to perform legal acts on his or her behalf. Such acts might include signing contracts, paying bills, filing taxes or consenting to admission into a nursing home or other long term care facility. A power of attorney is especially important in the event an individual becomes mentally incapacitated due to an accident, disease or the aging process. If the unforeseen occurs and an individual becomes incapacitated without a power of attorney in place then the family will need to petition the court for guardianship, a lengthy and costly
process. Contact Diane S. Baker if you would like a power of attorney that assures that your chosen family member(s) can act on your behalf if necessary.

Estate Settlement

Estate settlement, sometimes called “probate,” is the process of transferring a deceased person’s assets to his or her beneficiaries in a tax efficient way. The Executor is tasked with the responsibility of gathering the deceased person’s assets, paying legitimate bills and claims against the estate, filing the appropriate tax returns and probate documents and then providing an accounting of the estate to the heirs before finally distributing the assets to the beneficiaries. If you have been named Executor in a Will or are the presumed heir of a person who died without a will contact Attorney Diane S. Baker for assistance.